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  • What is RDFRA?
    RDFRA is the representative association that advocates on behalf of all members of the Army Reserve and Naval Service Reserve. It is a representative association, NOT a union. It is a non-political organisation. It is governed by Defence Forces Regulation S7, the RDFRA Constitution, and the RDFRA Rules document. Membership is open to all reservists, regardless of rank. The Association's main role is to consult and liaise with the Civil and Military Authorities on behalf of the Reserve Defence Force.
  • How does RDFRA represent me?
    RDFRA represents the individual reservist by: Mediating on your behalf (with personnel in your unit). Accompanying you to any mediation meetings you might have. Bringing issues to Conciliation & Arbitration branch (Military) – C&A (Mil) – for resolution, if these issues cannot be resolved through the chain-of-command, or if they are time sensitive. RDFRA represents the wider RDF by: Engagement with the Office of Reserve Affairs. Engaging in RDFRA “Forum” meetings, hosted by the Assistant Chief-of-Staff (ACOS). Appearances before the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence. Meetings with the Chief of Staff (CoS). Meetings with the Minister for Defence. Meetings with the Civil Authorities in the Department of Defence. Communications with the press/media.
  • What are RDFRA's policies on key issues?
    Please click here to download the policy motions that were successfully passed at recent RDFRA Annual Delegate Conferences.
  • What is the structure of RDFRA?
    At local level: Each unit/sub-unit in the country has an RDFRA unit/sub-unit committee of three (3) members; the Chairperson, who represents the unit/sub-unit at national level, and two (2) formation reps, who represent the unit/sub-unit at formation level. At Formation level, there are four (4) RDFRA formation committees: 1 Bde RDFRA Formation committee. 2 Bde RDFRA Formation committee. DFTC/DFHQ Formation committee. Naval Service Reserve committee. Each formation committee comprises seven (7) members and primarily liaise with their local GOC/FOCNS on formation level issues. At National level: The RDFRA National Executive Committee comprises nine (9) members. Two (2) members are nominated directly by the 1 Bde RDFRA Formation committee. Two (2) members are nominated directly by the 2 Bde RDFRA Formation committee. One (1) member is nominated directly by the DFTC/DFHQ Formation committee. One (1) member is nominated directly the Naval Service Reserve committee. The President and the remaining two (2) members are nominated directly from the floor of an election-year Annual Delegate Conference. The National Executive Committee liaises with the State's senior Civil and Military authorities in its work to advocate on behalf of the Reserve Defence Force.
  • How do I become an elected RDFRA representative?
    Firstly, you must be elected to your local unit/sub-unit committee. Elections take place every two (2) years and the next elections are scheduled for Q4 2024. All elections will be advertised well in advance of taking place. To be elected to a Formation Committee, you must attend your Formation's Annual General Meeting (AGM) and run for election at that event. Further details can be provided on request. To be elected to the National Executive Committee, you must either: Be elected to your Formation Committee, and then be directly nominated from that committee onto the National Executive Committee. Be elected directly onto the National Executive Committee from the floor of an election-year Annual Delegate Conference. Further details can be provided on request.
  • How do I join the RDF?
    The Reserve Defence Force (both Army Reserve and Naval Service Reserve) accepts online applications at
  • How many paid training and support days am I entitled to each year?
    Contrary to popular belief, there is NO limit to the amount of paid training and support days (formerly "mandays") that a reservist can potentially complete each year. 1 - 28 paid days can be authorised by your Unit OC. Anything above 28 paid days can be authorised by Defence Forces Personnel Policy Branch (DFPPB) once they receive an application in the correct format.
  • How can I access my online payslips?
    National Shared Services Office (NSSO) online payslips can be accessed here by selecting the "Department of Defence Soldiers, Officers and Reservists" option and entering your log in details. If you have any query about NSSO, or about how to log in to NSSO, please contact Reserve Pay Admin at 091 743 814.
  • What equipment/clothing am I entitled to receive a personal issue of?
    Administrative Instruction L3 Table 33 outlines the equipment/clothing that a new recruit to the Army Reserve is entitled to receive. Administrative Instruction L3 Table 34 outlines the equipment/clothing that Army Reserve personnel with more than eighteen (18) months effective service are entitled to receive. Administrative Instruction L3 Table 35 outlines the equipment/clothing that Naval Service Reserve personnel are entitled to receive. In recent years, additional items available to the RDF have been authorised by DJ4 Letters of Instruction. The details of these tables / letters of instruction can be provided on request.
  • Where can I obtain a copy of the RDF Employer's Handbook?
    Copies of the RDF Employer's Handbook can be downloaded here.
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